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Forever Dream

This is the cover and a description of what you can expect from Forever Dream. 


Are there such things as coincidences? Or does everything really happen for a reason? Some people think when they experience tragedies they are dealt and unfair hand, but for Christian, she looks at it differently. Christian’s faith is truly tested when her younger sister dies of leukemia and then she is abandoned by her parents when they find out she also has leukemia only a couple of years later. She does not lose her faith though, but feels blessed that she can live with her grandmother, until her grandmother suddenly passes away. Christian’s faith starts to falter when the only place left for her to go is in a foster home for girls. Once again though she chooses to remain faithful and she starts to see that everything really does happen for a reason, even in times of sorrow. In a series of events that some might think are coincidence, amazing things happen that if not for Christian having leukemia, might not have happened. Christian’s faith shows those around her that there are no coincidences, but that everything that happens leads to something else for a reason. Faith and trust in God is renewed in those around Christian as they begin to see what she sees and how amazing and wonderful life can be, even in times of sorrow.

Forever Dream offers inspiration, clean romance, suspense and an unexpected twist!

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